Dear Sisters and Brothers:
The IAM is excited to host the 2016 IAM Flight Attendant Conference. The conference is scheduled to take place on January 17-20, 2016 at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Education & Technology Center.
This conference is geared toward educating our rank and file membership on the IAM and the labor movement. Some of the topics covered will be:
- Airline Industry Update
- Jumpseat Update
- 10 Hours Rest FAR for Flight Attendants
- Flight Safety
- Negotiations Update
- Communication/Hot Topics
- Organizing
We will be seeking feedback and new ideas on how we can best service the membership in the future. On the last day of the conference we are going to be lobbying our congressional leaders on Capital Hill regarding 10 hours rest and fatigue restriction flight attendants before departing to the airport.
Attendance will be on a volunteer basis but we may be able to arrange unpaid time off if you would like to attend. All meals and transportation to/from DCA will be complimentary for the duration of the conference.
Please let your respective Local Lodge President know if you are interested in attending:
IAH & (ERJ) DFW-2339H President, Nancie Craft
ORD & CLE- 2339O President, Cori Horowitz
ATL, DTW & (CRJ) DFW-2339A President, Marvin Moon
EWR-2339N President, Carli Meneses
In solidarity,
Sara Gonzales
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