Kenny Champagne


General Chair


Contracts: Southwest Airlines, Allied Aviation

Local Lodge: 2319

IAM Member Since: 1999

Carrier and Occupation: Southwest Airlines – Customer Service Agent

Education: 2 years of college

IAM History/Experience: Shop Steward, L.L. President  (briefly) Communicator, Educator, Sergeant at Arms both Local Lodge 1905 and 2319 meetings and District 142 Conventions, Organizer for Air Tran Merger with Southwest along with Delta Flight Attendants, Ramp Campaign, and some JetBlue.

Classes you’ve taken at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Center: All Staff Classes, GC classes and most classes offered at Winpisinger.

What do you love most about your job? Intermingling with Members and Peers, Travel, Conferences, Conventions, Winpisinger Center, just about everything.

Something interesting about yourself: Associated with Restaurants and Bars in New Orleans from working to owning. Participated in almost all sports imaginable. At one time I held a 3 handicap in golf, a 275 average in bowling, was an All-Star in football, participated in track and field, and came close to making a regional in swimming for the Olympics.