

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

On Tuesday, January 3, 2023, IAMAW District Lodge 142 officially exited trusteeship and began a new era, fulfilling the mission, values, and Constitution of the IAMAW. We are focused, energized and even more committed to ensuring our members and families receive the benefits of strong and enduring collective bargaining agreements.

2022 brought District 142 into an unforeseen operational structure with the implementation of the trusteeship. The immeasurable benefits of the trusteeship will continue to be realized in 2023 and forevermore. Under the oversight and guidance of Trusteeship Deputy Brother Tony Blevins, the District’s entire financial operations are now in compliance and sustainable. Moreover, Brother Blevins’ tireless, educational, and transformative leadership lead us through the successful 2022 District officer election process, revision of our bylaws and most importantly, achieving recommendation of lifting of the trusteeship.

Since the implementation of the trusteeship in January of 2022 and the appointment of the trusteeship leadership team in February, we have experienced many positive improvements and changes to our District. Foremost is the addition of approximately 4,000 dues-payers!

Since taking office, we have had multiple contract ratifications. Member’s major accomplishments include:

  • District 142 Southwest members overwhelmingly ratified an industry-leading Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with historic wage increases and overtime protections.
  • Alaska Airlines’ members have also passed an industry-leading CBA.
  • Hawaiian Airlines members overwhelmingly ratified their brand-new CBA.
  • Amentum Homestead CBP members overwhelmingly ratified their contract.
  • McGee Air Services members reached a new TA for a two-year CBA extension that included substantial wage increases and improved benefits.
  • Members with Aer Lingus overwhelmingly ratified their Transitional Letter of Agreement that allows for their current CBA to remain in effect as we continue negotiations for a new contract.
  • Leadership and members with Menzies continue in negotiations.
  • Allied Aviation members ratified agreements in two locations.
  • Air Wisconsin, PSA and National flight attendants all remain in negotiations.

One of the most significant accomplishments we have achieved in 2022 is the relocation of the District’s headquarters from Kansas City, Missouri to Phoenix, Arizona while remaining fully operational! Much coordination and collaboration with all involved created the environment for this seemingly unsurmountable task to be an enormous success. We also launched a new website with fresh, updated branding, at the same time that we announced the relocation of the District headquarters.

Through the successful December 2022 election process, we have installed our new District Lodge 142 Executive Board – President-Directing General Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, General Chairs, VPs, and Trustees. Additionally, we have added strategic, full-time administrative staff support with a Confidential Secretary to the PDGC and an Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. We have replaced three General Chairs that moved on, added a full-time Director of Communications and a full-time Organizer. I am confident in and encouraged by this Board and administrative team we have installed!

As we continue in our growth trajectory with the servicing of our members and fulfillment of our bylaws, among the many tasks underway are: seating an Education Committee; a Legislative Committee; hosting Steward conferences and online/Zoom training for each contract.

I would like to express much gratitude to each of our officers and staff members for your dedication, hard work and long hours given to ensure the successful operations of District Lodge 142.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to our membership for your steadfast commitment and solidarity over the last year as we navigated this challenging time. You, the membership, are the reason we do what we do every single day. Thank you all. May God bless each of you and your families. With best wishes I remain

Sincerely and fraternally,

John M. Coveny, Jr.
President/Directing General Chair