Dear Sisters and Brothers:
Your District 142 Negotiating Committee met with Qantas Airways management in Los Angeles, CA, this week. This was our 9th round of direct negotiations with the Company.
During these productive talks, we made substantial progress on several key articles:
- System Board of Adjustment / Arbitration
- Seniority
- Management Rights
- Negotiation Committee
These four articles are very important and will greatly impact the membership. Because of this, they require time, energy, and effort.
We remain fully committed to securing our first contract that will benefit all our members. The Negotiating Committee also appreciates Qantas management’s cooperation and constructive efforts during this session. We remain optimistic about reaching a collective bargaining agreement in the near future.
Our next bargaining session is scheduled for April 8th – 10th at the Qantas Hangar in Los Angeles, CA. Thank you for your continued support and solidarity throughout this critical negotiation process.
Please contact a Shop Steward or General Chair with any questions or concerns.
Sincerely and fraternally,
John M. Coveny, Jr. President/Directing General Chair | Mark Strength General Chair | Jeff James General Chair |
Edward Berg AME | Saneel Kumer LAME | Miguel Maldonado SAME |