Presidential Candidates On The Issues

ready-to-voteWith election day fast approaching its important to educate yourself on the candidates.  To see where they stand on issues that are affecting us check here.  You will be able to see where  your local representatives stand as well as the presidential candidates.  This website will also show their voting records.

Below you will see a sample of some of the information available.


Domestic Issues
Jill Stein


Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


Gary Johnson


Expand ObamaCare strongly favors strongly favors opposes strongly opposes
EPA regulations are too restrictive strongly opposes strongly opposes strongly favors favors
Stricter punishment reduces crime strongly opposes opposes strongly favors opposes
Absolute right to gun ownership strongly opposes strongly opposes strongly favors strongly favors
Marijuana is a gateway drug strongly opposes opposes opposes strongly opposes


Economic Issues Jill Stein Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Gary Johnson
Higher taxes on the wealthy strongly favors strongly favors favors strongly opposes
 Make voter registration easier strongly favors strongly favors favors opposes
Stimulus better than market-led recovery strongly favors strongly favors strongly opposes strongly opposes
Prioritize green energy strongly favors strongly favors strongly opposes opposes


 Social Issues Jill Stein Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Gary Johnson
Abortion is a woman’s unrestricted right strongly favors strongly favors opposes favors
Legally require hiring women & minorities strongly favors strongly favors opposes favors
Comfortable with same-sex marriage strongly favors strongly favors opposes strongly favors
Keep God in the public sphere strongly opposes mixed opinion strongly favors favors
Vouchers for school choice strongly opposes strongly opposes strongly favors strongly favors


 International Issues Jill Stein Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Gary Johnson
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens strongly favors favors strongly opposes strongly favors
Support & expand free trade strongly opposes mixed opinion opposes strongly favors
Support American Exceptionalism strongly opposes opposes favors strongly favors
Expand the military strongly opposes mixed opinion strongly favors strongly opposes
Avoid foreign entanglements strongly favors opposes favors strongly favors

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