
American Airlines Ratification – VOTE!!

Brothers and Sisters,

Today is the day that will determine everyone’s future.  The tentative agreement has been reached and distributed.  We have been around and answered your questions and concerns and now the decision is in your hands.  Voting is currently taking place. Polls will close at 8PM Eastern time today.  Now, more than ever, is the time for all members to exercise their right and cast their vote on this Tentative Agreement.

Voting is online by going to  If you did NOT receive your PIN to vote in the mail or your email, please call 727-415-6628 as soon as possible to get your PIN.  There may be a wait, as others are doing the same thing.

Again, I cannot stress enough how important it is for everyone to participate in this vote today.  With the current situation in the world today, this agreement will be a benefit to all our members.  Please, take 5 minutes and cast your vote.


David Supplee
President Directing General Chair

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