The Mechanic & Related/Stores committee met with American Airlines the week of February 8th in Baltimore, Maryland.
As we continue to progress steadily toward a joint collective bargaining agreement, we remain firmly committed to one goal: negotiating the strongest deal for our members. We are working tirelessly to ensure that the best of both contracts are combined into one comprehensive agreement.
• We tentatively agreed on the following articles: fitness for duty, uniforms and bulletin boards.
• We have exchanged proposals on articles for certain grievance procedures, and made our initial proposal regarding overall representation, which encompasses other grievance procedures and system board of adjustment. Both these articles are particularly complex, and because we are blending two existing, mature practices, it takes time. These articles are the foundation of our ability to enforce your rights under the agreement, so we are working through all articles with extreme diligence and care.
We are scheduled to continue negotiations during the following weeks: February 29th in DFW, March 7th in DCA, March 21st in DFW and March 28th in DFW.
We appreciate your continued patience and solidarity throughout this process, and will continue to provide updates after each session.
In solidarity,
Jason Best Mike Bush Ken Coley John Coveny
Dale Danker Mark Huffman Bennie Martino Gary Peterson
Larry Pike Sean Ryan Jay Sleeman Mark Strength