BA Negotiations Bulletin 2019-8-23

Meetings continued this week in NYC between the Union and Company with NMB Mediator, Gerry McGuckin, CS Sr. VP Brian Pinchbeck, Kate Ling representing Engineering, the various company committee members and your Union committee was present and joined by GLR’s Mike Manzo and John Werkmeister.

There was again significant progress made on the terms for a new CBA in Customer. Another proposal was received from the Company for the Engineering group that has addressed a few more of the issues we have raised and proposed to address.  It however again fell short of addressing all of the items that we must have to conclude these negotiations and move to ratification.

As an important reminder, once both CBA’s are completed, it will be considered a tentative agreement and submitted to the membership for ratification.

We are hopeful that at the next meeting occurring during the week of September 16, we will be able to conclude these talks.  If you have any questions, please give me a call at (859) 653-4037 or email me at or contact one of your negotiating committee members.

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