British Airways TA Ratified by Membership

Voting on the Customer Service and Engineering Tentative Agreements was conducted nationwide on November 20, 2019.  With approximately 70% of the total membership in both CS and Engineering participating in this ratification effort, both Tentative Agreements were approved by a majority of those eligible members who voted.

Work will begin immediately on proofing of a final document for printing that will be sent to all stations.  In the meantime, a full text CBA will be available on the District Lodge 142 website within a week or so.

Your Negotiating Committee wishes to thank the members who endured through this process for your patience and solidarity were instrumental in seeing this process to a successful conclusion.  We also want to thank the Shop Stewards and Tellers nationwide who supported this effort.  In the coming days, additional information will be shared by both the Union and Company so please stay engaged.

As always, if you have any questions, you can call me directly at (859) 653-4037 or email me at or contact one of your negotiating committee members.  With best wishes we remain

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