

NMB Finds Insufficient Interest for ExpressJet Election

The National Mediation Board (NMB) today rejected the request from a group of former IAM representatives and inexperienced others to hold a representational election for ExpressJet Flight Attendants. The NMB determined this group didn’t file their application with support from ExpressJet Flight Attendants. However, these individuals were successful in completely derailing negotiations. First, by starting

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Sisters and Brothers: Your IAM representatives met with the Company yesterday and would like to pass along the following information covered in the meeting: Attrition In regards to attrition, in October there were 61 CRJ and 13 ERJ Flight Attendants on the attrition list.  Thus far in November there are 14 CRJ and 2 ERJ



Sisters and Brothers, We met with the Company in Atlanta, Georgia on Wednesday October 18, 2017 to discuss staffing and operations. In regards to CRJ staffing, the Company has obviously seen a huge spike in attrition since the announcement of the Delta operation coming to an end in 2018.  This increase in attrition has continued


ExpressJet Company Update

Sisters and Brothers: We recently met with ExpressJet Vice President of Inflight Brandee Reynolds and CRJ Director of Inflight Dan Curtin. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss DTW being closed sooner (Dec 1) than anticipated when the Delta take down was originally discussed and what changes have occurred that lead to this decision.

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ExpressJet DTW Base Closure

Brothers and Sisters, Today the Company announced the closing of the CRJ DTW domicile.  Your IAM leadership will be working to minimize the impact to our Flight Attendants.  Please be advised that your rights under the current CRJ CBA will be protected throughout this process. We are addressing the moving company fees being billed directly to

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