

ITF Cabin Crew Violence and Harassment Survey

Sisters & Brothers, As you know the International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers (IAM) are members of the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), which has unions from all over the world working together to protect workers’ rights on a global scale. In accordance with this work they have issued a survey regarding harassment at

ITF Cabin Crew Violence and Harassment Survey Read More »

ExpressJet Negotiations Update – Arbitration Agreed To

Sisters and Brothers: Contracts talks at ExpressJet have been one of the longest negotiations for any contract under the IAM and under the National Mediation Board (NMB). Multiple reasons caused these lengthy talks. After two years of negotiations, ExpressJet merged with Atlantic Southeast Airlines. This halted all negotiations while a representation election occurred. After the

ExpressJet Negotiations Update – Arbitration Agreed To Read More »


Sisters and Brothers: We will be meeting with the Company in Atlanta, Georgia on August 15, 2019 to negotiate pay and work rules pursuant to LOA 13 regarding the addition of larger aircraft. We will send an update after the negotiations session. Thank you for your continued support and solidarity.   In solidarity,        


EXPRESSJET-Preferential Hire Conscientious Reporting

Sisters and Brothers: In seeking resolution with the company as it pertains to Conscientious Reporting, the company’s position is the flight attendants who utilized the preferential hiring program are not entitled to the ERJ Conscientious Reporting under the ERJ CBA. It is the Union’s position that the Preferential Hiring LOA only references the Conscientious Reporting section which the CRJ

EXPRESSJET-Preferential Hire Conscientious Reporting Read More »