

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Brothers and Sisters, After the fallout from the Company’s letter on Friday August 24th,  the Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington DC.  The ghost negotiators from the Company that were invited to join the talks did not show up.  The Association is taking the high road and looking

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IAM Stands with Those Affected by Hurricane Harvey

Dear Members, General Vice President Sito Pantoja issued the following statement regarding Hurricane Harvey: “The IAM stands with our sisters and brothers in Texas and Louisiana who are suffering from the catastrophic flooding caused by this once in a lifetime hurricane. The IAM will mobilize disaster relief efforts and employee assistance to aid IAM members

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Association to American: “Comprehensive” Proposal is Garbage

In an internal communication to TWU-IAM Association members at American Airlines, Kerry Philipovitch and David Seymour—American executives who have not attended one negotiating session—claim the Association is dragging its feet in responding to American’s “comprehensive” proposal. FALSE! Association executive level negotiators told American negotiators that their comprehensive proposal belongs in the garbage. It is an

Association to American: “Comprehensive” Proposal is Garbage Read More »

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Brothers and Sisters, The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington DC. Negotiations centered around the Fleet Service group and good progress was made working through outstanding language issues. The Mechanic & Related/Stores Committee met internally for important discussions regarding the seniority article and they are pleased to report

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