CommutAir Bid MOU

Brothers and Sisters –

The IAM has been working diligently with the company to mitigate the BID process and BID awards.  The actions of the COVID -19 have unfortunately caused a large reduction in the flying. We have reached a MOU (Memo of Understanding) between CommutAir and the IAM in regard to this unprecedented event.  

What does this mean to us?  You will have the choice of four (4) options all based on seniority, all of which entitle you to maintain your MEDICAL benefits for four (4) months, that is you will remain responsible for your portion of 30% as dictated by the CBA. 

  • COLA (Company Offered Leave of Absence) or Voluntary Leave.
  • BID as a normal bidding process with a MMG of 75 HRS to include the required 30% of reserve lines.
  • Accept a reduced line value of MMG of forty (40) hours be placed on Long Call Reserve and allow for a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours to report, thus enabling you to commute from outside of base.  Normal notification methods outlined in Section 5 for Regular Reserve of the CBA shall apply.  
  • Involuntary furlough will occur in the event COVID -19 doesn’t subside and forces further action by the company as outlined in the CBA Section 12.

Shortly you will be receiving a link in your company email for your choice of the above-mentioned selections in order of preference.  Once the choice is made based on seniority it will be valid for thirty (30) days.  

Please reach out if you have any questions regarding this communication.

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