Dear Sisters and Brothers:

After many months of design, proof of concept and beta testing, the new District Lodge 142 Grievance Manager Program (GMP) is finally ready to start moving towards implementation to support all the contracts in our District. The beginning of 2023 brought the program to the beta phase, and with the assistance of 58 union leaders from our contracts, we began working the bugs out of the GMP and making member driven changes to the program.

With this launch, there are a few things that must occur for everyone to begin using the GMP. The first is for everyone to have a profile created for them. Along with this bulletin, new pages will be available on the District 142 website (https://atd142.org/) that will support the implementation of the program.

The GMP page (https://atd142.org/grievance-manager/) will have information to support implementation and education of GMP. At the top of the page, all Shop Stewards from every contract in DL 142 will be able to click on the “Register for a Grievance Manager Profile” link (https://atd142.org/grievance-manager-sign-up-form/) which will take them to a short page to securely input some general information that will allow us to create your profiles. We ask that all Shop Stewards do so as quickly as possible to assist DL 142 with this task.

Also, on the GMP page there will be a link to the GMP Training Version (https://grievancemanagerrs.com/IAM142/login.php) where you will be able to login once you receive your profile information. This version of the GMP will allow you to create test grievances and learn how to work with the program. When the GMP goes fully live, the training version will remain available for anyone to learn the system.

Educational videos have been created by of Director of Communications, Brother Todd Day, that will give everyone an inside look at the program and how it will work to support every step of our various grievance procedures contained in all of our CBAs.

And last, but not least important, there will be training opportunities that will be released following this bulletin. All of our members in any role associated with a grievance procedure will be able to sign up for one of many training sessions which will be conducted virtually via the Zoom platform. This will allow you to listen, watch and work inside of the program via your login all at the same time.

This program brings forward yet another innovative initiative by your District Leadership to help support all of our IAM members from anywhere in the world whether via a phone, tablet, laptop, or anything with a wi-fi connection. We look forward to working with everyone as we move forward.

Sincerely and fraternally,

John M. Coveny, Jr.
President/Directing General Chair

James M. Samuel
General Chair
Application Administrator

Jeff James
General Chair
Application Administrator

Todd Day
Director of Communications
Application Administrator