Electronic Ratification Voting

Due to worsening circumstances surrounding the Coronavirus crisis in the United States, the TWU/IAM Association leadership has been working on an alternate method, in the voting procedures, for the ratification of the tentative Joint Collective Bargaining Agreements with American Airlines. This exception to the normal voting process will convert the process from paper, in-person ballots, to allow for individual electronic voting by internet. This change will allow all eligible voters to cast a ballot in an environment they feel is safe and free from the threat of spreading the virus or becoming infected by it. Your safety is our top priority in this process.

The Association will utilize the same vendor for the process that is used by the National Mediation Board in their electronic representation elections, BALLOTPOINT.

BALLOTPOINT will issue each voter a Personal Identification Number (PIN) by USPS to their address on file with American Airlines. This mailing will include instructions of how each voter will use the BALLOTPOINT portal to vote.

BALLOTPOINT is also going to send an email to each voter’s American Airlines email account. Within that email will be a link with the same Access Code sent by mail, along with voting instructions. A voter may sign on to their American Airlines email through JetNet on the day of the vote, open the BALLOTPOINT email, click on the link and be logged in to the secure portal to cast their ballot.

The email is being sent in case the PIN and voting instructions do not arrive by regular mail in time for to vote.

Voting will be conducted beginning at 6:00 am Eastern Wednesday March 25th and will conclude at 8:00 pm Eastern on Thursday March 26th.

This voting method is private and secure. Results of the vote will be provided to Association leadership promptly after the polls close and results will then be provided to our membership.

If you have any questions, please address them to your local union representatives.

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