
ExpressJet Negotiating Update – February 7, 2019

Since the last Tentative Agreement (TA) on a Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement was voted down by the membership, ExpressJet has furloughed hundreds of flight attendants, closed crew bases, completed the sale of the company to a third-party investor, changed senior management and announced the acquisition of 25 new aircraft. The union and company had dialogue with the National Mediation Board (NMB) mediator, to get a sense of where the company was going. The IAM’s intent is and was to reengage in negotiations to solve the problems the membership saw when it last voted. However, circumstances dictated that with all the turmoil within the company, we could not proceed with negotiations until there was a better sense of where the company was heading.

After the announcement of the close of the sale and the new CEO, we are pleased that the NMB mediator has set dates to resume negotiations. We are scheduled to meet in Atlanta during the week of March 4th.

In addition to the changes within the company, the union lost all the members of the negotiating committee through furloughs or resignations. As a result, I have decided to appoint the new base representatives to the negotiating committee. All grievance representatives have attended training in Kansas City and have been advised of this assignment. It makes sense, to appoint those who have taken their positions in contract administration since the recent elections to also represent have them at the negotiating table to close out these negotiations.  I feel confident this team will be able to bring back an agreement the membership will ratify.

After the last TA was voted down, the representatives discussed the shortcomings the membership saw with the contract in crew rooms and at union meetings to get their feelings and input on what it would take to get a deal they could accept. We also posted a survey asking for the input of the membership. Many members took the time to email their concerns. All input has been taken into consideration as we prepare to get back to the table to bargain a contract you deserve.

Please support these new members of the negotiating committee – they will be in the process representing your needs. The new members of the negotiating committee are:

Banetta Jones – ERJ ORD

Eva Vargas – ERJ EWR

Sommer Jamiot –ERJ CLE

Christine Perez – ERJ IAH

Sabrina Mitchell – CRJ ORD

Lora Berntsen – CRJ IAH


David Supplee
President/Directing General Chair




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