ExpressJet Update – March 5, 2020

Contract Arbitration

 We are still waiting for the arbitrator’s decision in regards to the contract. Again, we are expecting a decision to be rendered this month and will keep you updated. Regardless of the outcome, there will be change and we look forward to making sure there is a robust education plan in place to make sure the implementation goes as smoothly as possible.

CLE Base Closure Update

We were very excited that the Company decided to allow CLE to remain open but we understand there is still uncertainty among those in CLE. We have been in constant contact with the Company regarding the future of the CLE base. There have been no definitive plans on if or when the CLE base will be closed but we do expect it to remain open through the next few months. As we know all too well things can change but we will remain in communication with the Company.

Coronavirus & United Flight Reduction

Please continue to be vigilant in following the recommended directions of the CDC:

  • Avoid contact with sick people.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Clean your hands often by washing them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%–95% alcohol. Soap and water should be used if hands are visibly dirty.
    • It is especially important to clean hands after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.

If the precautionary provisions are not available in the crew room please let our safety team know immediately, But please also do your part as well by only taking what’s necessary.

As has been reported United will be reducing flights due to the Coronavirus. Fortunately, this will only impact us on a minimal level particularly compared with some of the regionals operating on the west coast who will be impacted on a greater level.

eTT Transition

As the Company has communicated we will be transitioning away from the Skywest owned Sked+ and will be transitioning to the eTT group’s SkedFlex. While we still have work to do before the system goes live your District Lodge representatives,  Sara Gonzales and Marché Cooper met with ALPA, the Company and eTT to discuss possible issues and ensure the members needs will be met. We emphasized the importance of ILIW and will continue to work with the Company to avoid any issues in the transition.

Reserve Guide

With new reserves on the line we want to make sure your rights are protected and you’re knowledgeable about your responsibilities as well. Click here to check out our Reserve Guide with some great information!

Jumpseats on 145 Aircrafts

We have continued to stress to the Company the importance of reinstalling the aft jumpseats on the 145 aircraft we will be receiving. They have been very receptive and are working to ensure that our entire fleet will continue to have the aft jumpseat. We will provide updates as soon as we receive them.

Click here for PDF

Click here for Reserve Guide