
Hawaiian Airlines Negotiations Update

August 9, 2021

Aloha Sisters and Brothers of Hawaiian Airlines,

A couple of weeks ago, we informed you that we would advise you of any new developments with Hawaiian Airlines and the scheduling of negotiations. Last night we confirmed with the carrier that we will meet the week of August 29th in San Francisco, California. We, along with your negotiating teams, remain cautiously optimistic that we can reach a tentative agreement during that session that will recognize and honor the work you do and the value you deliver to this company.

Together, we can secure an outstanding contract on your behalf and avoid the need to enter into Section Six negotiations.

On a separate note, Hawaiian Airlines has informed us that they plan to follow United Airlines and mandate the vaccine for their employees. Although morally we don’t agree with a mandates-only approach to the Covid-19 vaccine, our attorneys have advised us the carriers are within their legal right to mandate the vaccine.

Employees with specific disabilities and sincerely held religious beliefs may have additional legal rights that employers must respect. The EEOC can offer further guidance and legal assistance.

We continue to thank you for your support and solidarity.

Michael Klemm,
President/Directing General Chair,
District 141, IAMAW

David Supplee,

President/Directing General Chair,
District 142, IAMAW


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