
IAM — Allied Aviation EWR Membership Info

The Company and Union last met for negotiations on January 6, 2022.  During that meeting, conversations specific to EWR were discussed including the staffing issues and the current state of the operation in EWR.  At that meeting, the Union made clear that immediate improvements were needed to improve the situation, namely wage increases, and they should not wait for the completion of the Master Agreement to be implemented.

After that meeting, the Company engaged with Port Authority about the issues of staffing, retention and hiring, and were able to make progress that benefits the EWR IAM members immediately.  I am pleased to announce that effective February 2, 2022, wage increases of variable amounts between $2.00 to $3.00 an hour will be implemented across the entire work group in EWR.  Because the Port Authority recognized the existing difficulties with hiring and retention at EWR, they are supporting these increases ahead of the contract being completed.  Details of these increases will be communicated shortly by the Company.

At this time, the next meeting for negotiations is scheduled to occur virtually on February 15 & 16, 2022. Please take the time to sign up to receive these and all District Lodge 142 communications by going to and clicking on the red button that says “Join Our Email List” on the top, left hand side of the home page.

Sincerely and fraternally,

James M. Samuel
General Chairperson


R. Johnsen
T. Regan
E. Fraser
DL 142 Executive Board

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