Negotiations were conducted on Wednesday and Thursday of this week in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Present for the Company was Selvin Basden, HR Director; Julian Collie, Senior Manager-US and Tamara Lightbourne, HR Manager. Present for the Union was James M. Samuel, General Chair.
The discussions this week centered on an operational update concerning the present status and future plans for Bahamasair. Areas of the agreement discussed centered solely on Articles 4, 14, 21, 24 and Appendix A. Progress was made in addressing the needs of the membership as related to the crafting of a new agreement. I am hopeful that terms can be reached in a relatively short timeframe to put before the membership.
As of today, there are no future dates set, however, we will continue the dialog over the coming weeks to close these negotiations. I wish to thank the Bahamasair membership for their support and patience throughout this process. If there are any questions or concerns about the negotiations process, please feel free to reach me on my cell at (859) 653-4037, or by email at .
With best wishes, I remain
Sincerely and fraternally,
James M. Samuel