Meetings continued this week in NYC between the Union and Company. While the NMB Mediator, Gerry McGuckin, was not present, the parties have always been free to schedule meetings to occur without him. The Company committee was again represented by Brian Pinchbeck and your Union committee was present and joined by GLR John Werkmeister.
Much positive progress was again made in the Customer Service CBA throughout the week and a number of key agreements have been made. There are still some open items remaining and we will remain resolute until we achieve a package that will take care of everyone as I have consistently mentioned over the past many months.
A proposal was received from the Company for the Engineering CBA that represents a significant movement from their last position and matched one element of our comprehensive proposal from over a year ago. While we welcome the movement, there still remain a significant number of open issues that we intend to address and achieve agreement on. As an important reminder, once both CBA’s are completed, it will be considered a tentative agreement and submitted to the membership for ratification.
Confirmed future dates still include the weeks of August 19 and September 16 and will occur in NYC with the Mediator present. If you have any questions, please give me a call at (859) 653-4037 or email me at or contact one of your negotiating committee members. With best wishes, I remain
Sincerely and fraternally,
James M. Samuel
Reggie Gauthier John Reisert
Committee Member Committee Member