

The Union and Company resumed meetings this week in NYC under the auspices of the NMB and Mediator Gerry McGuckin.  The first half of the week was dedicated to meeting with management reps from Engineering with Wayne Fraser, Maintenance Manager and Bridget Brookfield, International HR Manager.  A large amount of time was dedicated to the Company’s proposals surrounding CTO time and its use.  Progress was made at this meeting in addressing the Company’s perception of CTO use and what can be done moving forward in lieu of their proposal.  This issue will be taken up again at a future meeting.

The second half of the week’s meetings were conducted with Doug Caines, VP to talk about the ongoing issues surrounding the Company’s proposal to outsource all remaining US based CS positions. The Company returned this week with their assessment of the living wage ordinances from around the country and their impact on their past outsourcing proposal.  The positive aspect is that it had an effect of about $3 millions dollars towards the Ground Handling gap.  The negative aspect is that it didn’t close the gap entirely.  The Company also put an updated severance proposal with a 90-day expiration date on the table that represents a 20% increase in value over already contractually guaranteed severance.  Our next goal is to finalize what a package deal to retain all jobs will look like.  Until that work is completed, we will not entertain any discussions on a severance package, expiration date or not.

Additional dates are still set to occur during the weeks of June 25, July 9 and August 6.  Specific information concerning those meetings will be released when it becomes available.

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