Dear Sisters and Brothers:
Last week, your IAM McGee Negotiation Committee traveled from their various base locations on the West Coast to the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center, located about a 2-hour drive from DCA. The purpose of the training was to educate the Committee on all things pertaining to negotiations, including courses on Strategic Analysis/Planning, Writing Contract Proposals, and Team Dynamics, to name a few.
The Committee received an informative presentation from IAM Strategic Resources that outlined the differences between mainline airlines and their subsidiary companies, such as McGee, which support the major airlines’ operations. The Committee also analyzed the survey results and reviewed the contract proposals submitted by you and your fellow union Sisters and Brothers.
There was a lot of information and work packed into the week. Your Negotiating Committee worked long days and well into the night to complete the necessarywork to best prepare them to negotiate with McGee. The week culminated with a negotiation simulation, in which the instructors posed as a fictional company, and the Committee wrote, exchanged, and negotiated proposals. This intense half-day of simulated bargaining gave the group a real-life experience of what to expect from the real thing.
The first Negotiation session with McGee is scheduled for the week of February 24th. The committee will provide updates via bulletin after every session, and we plan to schedule Teams calls to brief members.
During negotiations, rumors can circulate and grow; these bulletins will be your trusted source for negotiation information. Thank you for your continued support and solidarity. If you have any questions or concerns please contact a Shop Steward or your General Chair.
Sincerely and fraternally,
John M. Coveny, Jr.
President/Directing General Chair
Justin Bates
General Chair
Jason McAdoo
General Chair
Negotiations Committee:
Marvin McCarter/Chief Steward LAX, Daniel McGuire/Chief Steward SEA, Michael Parker/Chief Steward PDX, Jose Rosales/Chief Steward SJC