Dear Sisters and Brothers:
IAM District 142 is proud to announce that our members at Menzies Aviation IAH have voted to ratify a new Collective Bargaining Agreement that includes immediate and annual wage increases, improvements to classification language, and a 2-year contract term.
This is the IAM’s first contract with Menzies in IAH, and we are excited to welcome these new members to the IAM and District 142.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our members at Menzies for their support and especially their solidarity as we worked through the process of obtaining a solid contract for you to vote on. Our leadership team will continue to work closely with the company to assist with the implementation of the new agreement, and we will soon have printed copies of the agreement available to our members.
Please feel free to contact a shop steward or General Chair if you have any questions or concerns.
Sincerely and fraternally,
John M. Coveny, Jr.
President/Directing General Chair
IAM District 142
Ken Coley
General Chair
IAM District 142