

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Your District Lodge 142 Negotiations Team met with representatives from National Airlines the week of June 5, 2023, at the Sheraton Suites in Orlando, FL under the supervision of the NMB Mediator Conner Parker. We would like to thank Mr. Parker for his assistance through this process.

The Company has added its Legal Counsel, Chris Harrison, to its team which has greatly expedited the negotiations process and enhanced productive discussion. The Union and Company reached Tentative agreements on, Training, Missing-Internment-POW-Hostage Benefits, and Savings Clause (successorship language). Additionally, we’ve exchanged language regarding the following articles.

Safety, while there are differences in the companies and unions proposed language both sides remain committed to the safety of our membership, and we believe an agreement on this article should be reached in the near future.

Uniforms, the company team is reviewing our last pass and we await their response. The union desires that no member should pay for a uniform that the company requires to be compliant with our job duties.

Purpose and Scope, there are significant differences between the union and company passes, but communication on this issue has been productive and will continue until an agreement can be reached.

Seniority, The union and company are not far apart on Seniority language, but getting Seniority right in a first contract is of vital importance so we’ll take our time with this article until we’re confident it’s exactly what we want moving forward.

Your negotiating team will meet in Pittsburgh the week of June 26, 2023, to draft counter proposals on open articles and will meet with the company again as soon as possible. Future dates and meeting locations will be announced as soon as they are finalized, and we remain confident that we can reach an agreement that works for all parties. With best wishes we remain

Sincerely and fraternally,

John M. Coveny, Jr.
President/Directing General Chair
Jesse Wilson
General Chair

Negotiations Team

Devi SchwappTay GonzalezLisa Ferm

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