
IAM/Southwest Airlines Grievance Summit


Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Your General Chairs along with your President Directing General Chair John Coveny met with the Southwest Labor Administration Department and Senior Director of CS&S On June 27th-28th 2022.  

The Company presented your GCs with information on mock bidding and virtual training for CS&S for remote operations. We will continue to monitor this process to ensure your contractual rights are protected.  

We then moved into the grievance summit to work through the outstanding grievances, and this proved to be very productive. Your GC team discussed and favorably resolved a large percentage of these grievances. We have scheduled bi-monthly meetings with Labor, who has committed to preventing a backlog of grievances from building up and to discuss other issues that may arise. We are going to use these meetings to improve and expedite our grievance process and communicate more frequently with the Company. 

Your union leaders discussed expectations of the grievance procedure with Labor relations to ensure we are on the same page with the contract language, so we are able to provide the best representation for our membership.  

Your GCs then met with the Ground Operations Senior Leadership, who shared the Company’s performance to date and their plan for future Ground Operations hiring progress.

Your GCs are committed to reaching out to all of our members so we will continue phone banking until all members have been called.  This will take place in the upcoming weeks of July 11th and July 18th. Please take time to answer the call to provide your individual input, this is greatly appreciated and instrumental in moving forward in negotiations.   

Thank you for your continued support. 

Sincerely and fraternally,

John M. Coveny, Jr.

Oralia Beecher
General Chair

April Butler
General Chair

Kenny Champagne
General Chair

Lorraine Fraser
General Chair

Carrie Lessley
General Chair