Dear Sisters and Brothers:
Over the past weeks, General Chairs, along with other union representatives, have been reaching out to the membership to hear their concerns with the last failed TA, along with any other concerns they may have.
While this is a huge task, several of our members have participated and we will be making another effort the week of July 31st to August 5, 2022, to hear your input. You will be receiving calls from a (301) area code. If you plan to call back, please do so between the hours of 09:00 until 12:00 EST, and 13:00 until 17:30 EST. If you cannot call at the scheduled times, contact your General Chairs at any time with their phone numbers which are listed below.
Your union is conducting these calls to reach members who have not had the opportunity to voice their opinions. We strongly encourage those who have not participated to do so by returning these calls or contacting any of your Southwest General Chairs. We look forward to hearing from you. With best wishes we remain
Sincerely and fraternally,
John M. Coveny, Jr.
President-Directing General Chair
Oralia “Lollie” Beecher
General Chair
(504) 275-9280
April Butler
General Chair
(432) 349-7193
Kenny Champagne
General Chair
(859) 628-9782
Lorraine Fraser
General Chair
(410) 508-8121
Carrie Lessley
General Chair
(602) 349-1496