Dear Sisters and Brothers:
Your Southwest Airlines General Chairs, along with additional union representatives, continued phone banking the week of August 1st through the 5th. Our members participation and involvement provided us with valuable feedback on the recent failed tentative agreement.
After five weeks of phone banking, giving all members the opportunity to participate in the survey, we spent last week following up with those members that were unable to participate in the first rounds of calls. Members who participated were very pleasant and excited at the opportunity to contribute to the survey and provided us with honest and candid comments.
All of us at District 142 would like to thank our members at Southwest Airlines who participated. We look forward to continued contract dialogue with the mediator’s guidance. Membership solidarity will be of utmost importance moving forward. United, we will stand as one and be successful.
With best wishes we remain
Sincerely and fraternally,
John M. Coveny, Jr.
President-Directing General Chair
Oralia “Lollie” Beecher
General Chair
April Butler
General Chair
Kenny Champagne
General Chair
Lorraine Fraser
General Chair
Carrie Lessley
General Chair