

The Southwest Airlines Shop Steward Conference was held May 30 and 31, 2018 at the Winpisinger Center.  President-Directing General Chair Dave Supplee made opening remarks and introduced Airline Coordinator Tim Klima, who gave an update of the approaching negotiations between District Lodge 142 and Southwest Airlines. Grand Lodge Representative Rich Johnsen and District Lodge 142 Secretary Treasurer Ian Anderman also welcomed the group.  A total of 94 stewards from the Southwest Airlines Centers and Stations gathered to discuss contract negotiations and how to best keep the membership informed and involved.  On the first day, the General Chairs were available for Q&A, contract issues and present-day disputes, generating lively conversation and an exchange of valuable knowledge. The process for negotiations was presented and explained.

The second day was dedicated to training, provided by DL142 Educators Dan Suafoa and Mike Cicconi.  Shop stewards were provided the opportunity to learn new techniques of grievance writing and investigation through class exercises, role play and peer-to-peer story telling.  The conference closed with the goal of improving communication with members by updating contact lists and encouraging members to sign up for District Lodge emails and iMail.

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