Your Negotiating Committee, along with Union Representatives, met with Company Representatives May 9 and 10, 2018. After two days of meetings, we are pleased to announce the parties have come to an agreement. District #142 President Directing General Chair Dave Supplee, along with Grand Lodge General Vice President Sito Pantoja and his staff have now approved of the agreement.
The District will print copies so that all the members can read and understand all changes. We will conduct informational meetings regarding this TA so that members can ask any questions that they may have.
The informational meetings and the ratification vote will be on the same day, Thursday, May 24, 2018, from 6am – 3pm at the Allied Aviation Tank Farm Break room.
Some of the enhancements are listed below.
- Tool Allowance has been increased for Mechanics from $400.00 to $450.00, for Tankmen from $300.00 to $350.00.
- Lead Pay from $1.00 per hour to $1.25 per hour.
- Vacation Relief from $0.40 per hour to $0.45 per hour.
- Afternoon premium from $0.40 per hour to $0.45 per hour.
- Boot allowance remained the same but instead of a 24-month time period you will be able to purchase new boots in 18 months.
- Your Medical Insurance plan will be the best offered by the IAM Benefit Trust Fund.
- Significant wage increases which will allow members’ take home pay to increase without loss due to the increase of the Insurance rates.
Your Committee thanks you for your continued solidarity and support during these negotiations. We unanimously recommend a YES vote on this agreement.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Kenny Champagne
Jose Borja Robert “TRAP” Trapanese Al Banks