Contracts: As the Secretary-Treasurer, I service the financial side of all of our contracts.
Local Lodge: 2559
IAM Member Since: 1995
Carrier and Occupations: Alaska Airlines – Reservations Sales Agent, Lead Reservations Sales Agent
Education: Bachelor of Arts in American History, University of Wisconsin at Madison – 1987
IAM History/Experience: Steward, Local Lodge Secretary-Treasurer, Local Lodge Communicator, Local Lodge Recording Secretary, AZ State Council Secretary-Treasurer, District 143 Auditor, District 142 Auditor, District 142 Trustee, Negotiating Team Member – Alaska Airlines (3 rounds), Grand Lodge Election Teller
Classes you’ve taken at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Center: Leadership 1, Leadership 2, Advanced Leadership, Train the Trainer, Negotiations Prep (3 times), Financial Officers Training (2 times), Local Lodge Election Training, IAM C. R. E. S. T. Hazardous Materials, Alaska Airlines Stewards Conference/Training (multiple times)
What do you love most about your job? I have found the challenge of rebuilding the financial side of our District extremely rewarding!
Something interesting about yourself: I’m a movie buff, a Harley rider, and an avid photographer.