John M. Coveny, Jr.


Directing General Chair


Contracts: All 42 at District 142

Local Lodge: 1976

IAM Member Since: 1988

Carrier and Occupation: American Airlines – Aircraft Mechanic/Crew Chief and Inspector

IAM History/Experience: Safety Rep, Safety Committee Co-Chair, Shop Steward, LL Trustee, LL Vice President, LL President and Grievance Committee Chair, Grievance Committeemen, Vice President District 142, General Chair District 142, Lead Organizer Delta Fleet, President Directing General Chair District 142

What do you love most about your job? I have always prided myself on helping the membership, I have been part of some of the biggest contracts in District 142 and hope to continue over the next 7 to 10 years.

Something interesting about yourself: I used to ride a bicycle several hundred miles a summer until I took this job, since then I have taken up playing Cornhole and plan on playing a lot after I retiree and my retirement gift to myself will be to go to France and follow the Tour de France all 21 stages.