The IAMAW is an AFL-CIO union. Our legislative committees across the country work tirelessly on Capitol Hill to make labor issues a priority for the representatives we support.
In the months and weeks leading up to an election, we vet candidates running for local, state and federal office to understand their stance on labor issues. We support those candidates who support labor and once in office we keep them honest with phone calls, emails and congressional lobbying.

Machinists on The Hill
Machinists on the Hill is a publication of the IAM and highlights legislative and political news of importance to union members!
Click the image or HERE to subscribe to the Machinists on the Hill emails!
Machinists Non-Partisan Political League
The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League is the political arm of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. It was created in 1947 to allow IAM members to gather individual contributions, coordinate political activity, and elect candidates who support IAM members and their families.
Candidates we support know that the MNPL stands for economic justice, security in the workplace and equality for every member. They do not take us for granted.
The MNPL scrutinizes each candidate thoroughly. We ask tough questions such as their positions on trade, labor law reform, economic conversion, transportation policies, and enhancement of the U.S. manufacturing base.