Local Lodge: 1976
IAM Member Since: 1985
Carrier and Occupation: US Airways, American Airlines – Structure Assembler, Powerplant Mechanic, Line Maintenance Mechanic, Base Maintenance Mechanic, Sheetmetal Shop, Landing Gear Shop, APU Shop, Engine Shop.
Education: Associates Degree, A&P Mechanic
IAM History/Experience: Assist. Shop Steward, Shop Steward, Flight Safty, Conductor Sentinel, Bylaw Committee, MNPL Planning Committee, Legislative Committee, Grievance Committeeman, Grievance Committee Chairman
Classes you’ve taken at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Center: Leadership 1,2,3. Train the Trainer
What do you love most about your job? Helping resolve issues. Helping people.
Something interesting about yourself: Being a grandpap. Hunting, shooting. Found out brush hogging relieves stress.