Brothers and Sisters: What an end to 2015! Your resolve and hard work led to a huge victory for your workgroup. When you voted for the Union you took the
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Brothers and Sisters: What an end to 2015! Your resolve and hard work led to a huge victory for your workgroup. When you voted for the Union you took the
Join us on Capitol Hill at 10:30am on Wednesday, January 20th to lobby your Congressional leaders on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. to include fatigue language and a minimum of
District Lodge 142 Mobile App Your District 142 Staff is excited to announce the launch of your very own mobile app for ExpressJet Flight Attendants. Over the past few months,
Sisters and Brothers, Your TWU-IAM Association Fleet Service and Mechanic & Related Negotiating Committees met with American Airlines this week in Miami, Florida to continue joint contract negotiations. Below is
While there has been state of emergency declared in Flint, Michigan due to contaminated city water, we have verified through our Hotel and Safety Committee chairs that the hotel we
Sisters & Brothers, Your District 142 Staff is excited to announce the launch of your very own mobile app for ExpressJet Flight Attendants. Over the past few months, your new
Sisters & Brothers, As we move into 2016, we remain committed to continuously improving communication with our membership in new and innovative ways. To kick off the new year, we
IAM Districts 141 and 142 today announced that IAM members at Hawaiian Airlines overwhelmingly ratified recent tentative agreements covering approximately 2,200 Mechanic and Related, Clerical, Office, Stores, Fleet Service and
Short Notice FMLA Calls If you have been denied FMLA for any reason please contact a grievance representative to assist you through the process. Please note that the reference to
To the IAM Membership at Southwest Airlines: As you have seen, the TWU has a tentative agreement with their Ops and Ramp agents. Congratulations to them. Like negotiations with many
We have received very positive feedback from our announcement yesterday regarding the 2016 RGT/CST scheduling improvements that we were able to achieve. We have also received some questions, such as
After discussions with the Company regarding the CBA requirement that both RGT and CST be taken on days off, we are very pleased that now lineholders will have the ability
DFW/American Deadheads If you have experienced not being positive spaced on a deadhead back to base at the end of your trip please contact your respective grievance representative. CRJ-Romel Williams
With the recently reached Tentative Agreement, a ratification vote will occur on Friday, January 8, 2016 for all Hawaiian Airlines stations. At the ratification meeting, all members will have an
Negotiations This week we have a meeting scheduled with the COO and VP of Inflight on December 23rd. We plan to get an update regarding meeting for negotiations as
We have received questions and concerns regarding the upcoming 2016 RGT and CST training. We have extensively researched the contractual obligations of the Company regarding training and while we have