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Dear FA Group: In light of the recent events concerning the ZIKA virus and our high volume of flying to Mexico and the Caribbean, the following is information you need

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ExpressJet Negotiations Update

As we all know, the IAM recently petitioned the NMB to issue a “Proffer of Arbitration” for the Flight Attendants of ExpressJet. Our one and only goal is to attain

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ExpressJet Performance Plus Error

Upon notification from several of our members that they had not received their Performance Plus payout, we immediately addressed this with the Company.  This issue has affected approximately 70 of

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ExpressJet FMLA Investigation

We have received complaints regarding the FMLA process and are currently scheduling a meeting with the Company to address these concerns.  Many times the issues are able to be resolved

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Brothers and Sisters: What an end to 2015!  Your resolve and hard work led to a huge victory for your workgroup.  When you voted for the Union you took the

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#IAM for 10 Lobbying Event

Join us on Capitol Hill at 10:30am on Wednesday, January 20th to lobby your Congressional leaders on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. to include fatigue language and a minimum of

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