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TWU-IAM Association Negotiation Schedule Set

During the opening meeting for contract negotiations with American Airlines in Dallas, TX on December 3rd, Association negotiators and company representatives formed a subcommittee tasked with developing an initial negotiating

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OPEN SKIES Negotiations Update

On Wednesday and Thursday, November 18 and 19, 2015 the Company and Union negotiating committees met at 2 Park Avenue, NYC to continue negotiations.  The Company’s committee included Valerie Francois,

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ExpressJet Weekly Update 12/7/2015

Negotiations We have repeatedly addressed the slow pace we have experienced in negotiations since the Company filed for mediation over a year ago.  We are still aggressively pursuing the scheduling

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ExpressJet Weekly Update 11/30/15

Negotiations We have repeatedly addressed the slow pace we have experienced in negotiations since the Company filed for mediation over a year ago.  We are still aggressively pursuing the scheduling

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