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ExpressJet Weekly Update 10/26/15

Negotiations We have addressed the slow pace we have experienced in negotiations since the Company filed for mediation a year ago and the Company will be in communication with the

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TWU-IAM Association Negotiations

Dear TWU-IAM Association Member, As the regular Joint Association bulletins report, your Mechanic and Related/Stores and Fleet Service Negotiating Committees are working hard to finalize joint contract proposals. In the meantime, TWU-IAM

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ExpressJet Weekly Update 10/18/15

NegotiationsGeneral Chairperson Sara Gonzales along with Special Representatives Marche Johnson-Cooper and Melissa Brennan have a meeting scheduled for October 23rd with ExpressJet Chief Operating Officer, Terry Vais and plan to

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In 2015, it is estimated that among U.S. women there will be 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 40,290 breast cancer deaths.  This disease hits close to home

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OPENSKIES Negotiations Update

On October 6, 7 and 8, 2015 the Company and Union negotiating committees met at Park Avenue, NYC to continue negotiations for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement.  The Company’s committee

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ExpressJet Weekly Update 10/11/15

Negotiations We have not received a further update from the National Mediation Board regarding new meeting dates since the September negotiations session was canceled due to our assigned mediator being

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