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ExpressJet South Carolina Flooding

Please be advised, our Safety and Hotel Committees are working in coordination with the Company to ensure our members safety while overnighting in areas affected by the flooding in South

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ExpressJet Weekly Update 10/3/15

Negotiations Sam Harmon has moved on to work in another department for the Company, so he will no longer be a part of the negotiation committee.  Since his departure left a vacancy, Marvin

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DL 142 Launches Facebook Page

We are happy to announce the launch of our IAM District Lodge 142 Facebook Page.  Information is being spread quickly through Social Media and DL 142 has begun the transition

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ExpressJet Weekly Update 9/26/15

Negotiations Sam Harmon has moved on to work in another department for the Company, so he will no longer be a part of the negotiation committee.  Since his departure left a vacancy, Marvin

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EXPRESSJET Negotiations Update

Sam Harmon has moved on to work in another department for the Company, so he will no longer be a part of the negotiation committee.  Since his departure left a vacancy, Marvin Moon

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District 142 Convention 2015

[su_slider source=”media: 1489,1488,1487,1486,1485,1484,1483,1476,1477,1478,1479,1480,1481,1482,1475,1474,1473″] DL 142 Convention begins in Tempe, Arizona.  

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ExpressJet Weekly Update 9/19/15

Negotiations   Unfortunately, we received word from the National Mediation Board on Friday that our NMB appointed Mediator, Jack Kane is now out on a medical leave and his September

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