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 ExpressJet Mobile Check In

After numerous in-depth meetings with the Company, explaining in clear detail why Mobile Check-In is a tool our members not only deserve but can personally benefit from at no cost,

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ExpressJet Weekly Update 9/12/15

Negotiations Unfortunately, we received word from the National Mediation Board on Friday that our NMB appointed Mediator, Jack Kane is now out on a medical leave and his September meetings,

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ExpressJet Weekly Update 9/5/15

Negotiations Unfortunately, we received word from the National Mediation Board on Friday that our NMB appointed Mediator, Jack Kane is now out on a medical leave and his September meetings,

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The Union and Southwest Airlines met in Dallas, Texas for scheduled discussions on Monday August 31, September 1 and 2, 2015.  The purpose of the meetings were  to continue reviewing

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ExpressJet Mobile Check-In Option

We have received information from several members that they feel a mobile check-in option is something that could vastly improve their quality of life.  Your Union agrees with you wholeheartedly

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ExpressJet Weekly Update 8/29/15

Negotiations Your IAM joint contract negotiations committee met from Monday, July 20, 2015 and continued through Thursday, July 23, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia. Proposals were passed on the following Sections:

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ExpressJet RGT Issues

We have had several issues regarding disparate treatment in recurrent training class.  We are currently researching these issues not only on a case by case basis but as a whole

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HMO arbitration is scheduled for January 20, 2016 in Seattle, Washington.  The arbitration will be conducted by Arbitrator John LaRocco of Sacramento,  California and counsel for the Union is Jeff

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SOUTHWEST SOS Discussions Update

The second round of discussions with Southwest took place August 19, 2015 in Dallas, Texas. The parties are still reviewing the Articles of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement that can

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