We continued negotiations on Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 2 Park Avenue, New York City. Present for OpenSkies were Valerie Francois, Human Resources Director, Tony Scheppens, and Attorney Rick Vitarelli. In attendance for the Union, General Chair Sara Gonzales, Special Representative Mike Manzo and Negotiating Committee Members Cathy Carey and Francois Bisi.
The Company reviewed their financial outlook for calendar year 2016 and because of numerous factors beyond their control it is likely their overall loss will be significantly higher than the previous year.
After a full day of discussions and proposal exchanges, we managed to reach a Tentative Agreement for a new contract the details of which will be emailed to everyone individually once approved by the Grand Lodge.
Once the Tentative Agreement is approved and published, we will be hosting a conference call in order to answer questions and explain any changes to the contract. Voting on the Tentative Agreement will be conducted via certified mail. It is of the utmost importance that you respond to the email with your current mailing address in order to participate in the vote.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Sara Gonzales
Cathy Carey Francois Bisi