Oralia "Lollie" Beecher


General Chair


Contracts: Southwest Airlines

Local Lodge: 2198

IAM Member Since: 1998

Carrier and Occupation: Southwest Airlines – Customer Service Agent

Education: Some college, 1.5 years

IAM History/Experience: Vice President, Recording Secretary, Shop Steward, Legislative Co-Chair, Womens Committee, Bylaws Committee, Proposal Committee and Negotiations Committee

Classes you’ve taken at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Center: Womens Specialize Training, Leadership I, II, III, Train the Trainer, Negotiation Prep, Foundational Skills, General Chair Orientation and Arbitration

What do you love most about your job? Visiting in the field servicing and representing our members with a voice at the workplace. Fighting for better wages, benefits, and work rules for all our work groups under our Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Something interesting about yourself: Proud third generational unionist. If the chance arises stays at the fishing camp enjoying inshore/offshore saltwater fishing.