Negotiations Survey

Scan the QR Code or click the link to access the negotiations survey.

Welcome Letter from IAM Air Transport Territory GVP Richie Johnsen

Click the image to read/download the letter in PDF format

About the IAMAW


With nearly 600,000 active and retired members, the IAM is one of the largest and most diverse labor unions in North America. From Boeing and Lockheed Martin to United Airlines and Harley-Davidson, you will find IAM members across all walks of life. IAM members demand respect and dignity in the workplace. Together, we have been able to bargain for increased job security, higher wages and improved benefits.

The IAM is here to help you secure a voice on the job.

Our Mission

We believe it is a natural right of working people to enjoy to the full extent the wealth created by their labor.

We believe that given the state of work in our current world, people must unite to obtain the full reward of their labor.

We believe that working people should exercise their rights cooperatively and economically for the benefit of all people.

Therefore, we, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), pledge ourselves to work for our Members to continue to preserve and grow the IAM on the basis of solidarity and justice, and to strive for a higher standard of living for people who work.


Why Union?

For 130 years, the Machinists Union has fought for workers’ rights and benefits.

Pensions, medical insurance, paid vacation, holidays, personal holidays, sick pay, shift differential, etc., are generally not only better in a union shop, many of these don’t even exist without a union contract.

Why the Machinists Union? There is strength in unity – and the Machinists Union provides workers with a powerful, collective voice to communicate to management.

Regardless of your specific needs, the union is here to help. Union members:

  • Earn wages, on average, 26 percent higher than non-union workers.
  • 89 percent of union workers participate in a defined benefit program while 46 percent of nonunion workers participate in a defined benefit plan.
  • Are more likely to have employer-provided health insurance benefits.
  • Have greater access to apprenticeships and training opportunities.

You’ll find Machinists in Aerospace, Transportation, the Federal Government, Automotive, Defense, Woodworking and several other industries. We represent workers at companies as diverse as Harley-Davidson, Southwest Airlines, Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, Freightliner, Tennessee Valley Authority and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

About District 142

District 142 is an Air Transport District of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW), Air Transport Territory, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. We currently serve over 37,000 active and retired members at 44 IAMAW locals across the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. 

Our members work in the aviation industry for airlines, airport service companies and the defense sector of Service Contract Act (SCA) workers. They work as customer service representatives, reservation agents, flight attendants, ramp agents, air cargo agents, aircraft maintenance technicians, maintenance instructors, ground equipment mechanics, aircraft cleaners, fuelers, general aviation maintenance technicians, Customs and Border Protection agents and more. 

We negotiate industry-leading collective bargaining agreements between our membership with their local elected leadership and their employers. Our work does not end after contracts are signed. We provide Justice on the Job and Service in the Community with hands-on support for all of our members to ensure their employers are honoring their contractual language and providing a safe environment and workplace.

We continuously work to promote safety, justice on the job, a livable wage and industry leading affordable health care with a voice at the negotiating table, and we will always fight for equality and human rights. 

Click Here to meet the District 142 Executive Board and Staff >>

Negotiations Updates

Mark Strength

Your IAM Negotiating Committee for Qantas

Mark Strength
General Chair
IAM District 142

Edward Berg

Saneel Kumer

Miguel Maldonado

Qantas Contract Proposal Form

Use the QR Code or link below to submit a contract proposal!

Qantas News Bulletins


Dear Sisters and Brothers: Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday of September, holds deep significance for working women and men across the United States.

Read More »


Dear Sisters and Brothers: To All District Lodge 142 Stewards, Chief Stewards, Committeepersons, Educators, General Chairpersons, and Admins: Happy Anniversary! Your Grievance Manager Program (GMP)

Read More »

Let's Talk About the Issues

How to Stay Informed
The Call for Contract Proposals
Duties of a Shop Steward
Meet Your General Chair
Next Steps
Thank You!
Retirement Security
Have You Voted?
Contract Negotiations Process
Arbitrary Job Performance Evaluations
What does Status Quo mean?
What to expect from a First Contract
How would a Qantas AME in the U.S. benefit from joining the IAM?