Sisters and Brothers:
As you all know by now the TOWOP bidding for Holiday Bidding has slightly changed for this year. The purpose for this change is to include all members working on the Holiday the ability to TOWOP according to their Seniority.
The Union and Company have agreed for the benefit of all members that during the upcoming Christmas Holiday Bid all TOWOP lines will be bid before the Holiday Shift Bid. Each of you that are scheduled to work on Christmas day will make a YES or NO choice for TOWOP lines that are offered on the Christmas Day Bid by Southwest. Classification Seniority regardless of your Status (F/T or P/T) will be utilized. This should allow Southwest the ability to offer more TOWOP lines.
As always, if you have any questions about the process, please contact your Shop Steward or General Chair by phone or email.
Sincerely and Fraternally Yours,
April Butler Carrie Lessley Kenny Champagne Jessica Morris