Brothers and Sisters,
Negotiations have been scheduled for June 20 – 22, 2017. In order to better address issues that are important to you the IAM has prepared a survey. In the next few days your steward Johnny Wilson will be distributing these surveys. Please take the time to fill out the survey and return them to Johnny by April 21.
Additionally, we are announcing the call for contract proposals. If there is a contract provision you would like changed or if you would like to add a new item, you may get the proposal form from your steward Johnny Wilson and return them to him as well by April 21.
The proposals must contain the following information:
- Identify the article, paragraph and page number to be amended
- Proposed contract language change or modification
- Example of problem or reason for change
- Your name, Local Lodge/Station and employee and/or and IAM Book number
As we enter negotiations your support is vital. Remember only members will be able to vote on a new agreement.
In Solidarity,
Randy Griffith
Contract Proposal Form
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