

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Your IAM District 142 Negotiating Team is proud to announce that we have reached a 4-year Tentative Agreement for British Airways Customer Service Agents (CSA).

This Tentative Agreement brings significant improvements to the contract. Highlights include:

  • Removed the 40-hour qualifier for overtime.
  • Significant across-the-board pay raises.
  • In stations that adopt a flex rate, staff members will not be red-circled and will progress through the pay scale.
  • Ratification bonus based on years of service. $500 to $4500. Prorated for part-time employees. $4500 bonus only available to those members whose departments were closed prior to 2009 and have transferred in from Cargo, Sales, Call Centre, etc. to CSA positions and were red circled.
  • Lead upgrades will receive a $2.00 per hour premium with a minimum of eight (8) hours of pay.
  • Stronger equalization for offering overtime.
  • Break time is only considered to start once the employee reaches their break facility.
  • Travel allowance for trips to the UK will be per Company policy.
  • New process on filling vacancies of CSL.
  • 10 credited sick days per calendar year and removal of the limit of occasions used in the first 3 years of service.
  • Increase day trades to 10 per month.
  • Upon separation from the Company, an employee will receive payment for fifty percent (50%) of accrued sick/ disability leave in their sick/disability bank.
  • Added Juneteenth holiday.
  • Introduction of the electronic GMP (grievance manager program).
  • $275.00 to cover all cleaning and laundering costs incurred during the year.
  • Full-time Chairperson of Shop Stewards.
  • New SIDA badge renewal language.
  • Protection for members on light duty.
  • No increase in contributions to employee medical or dental insurance premiums.

The Redline Tentative Agreement for Customer Service will be posted soon.

There will be Q&A sessions to answer your questions about this Tentative Agreement via Microsoft Teams.

  • June 14 at 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern time.
  • June 15 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time.
  • June 16 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time.
  • June 18 at 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern time.

Information on how to log in (including links) will be posted separately.

An online ratification vote will be held from June 19, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. to June 24, 2024, at 12:00 Eastern time. The vote will be administered by the IAM Ballot Site. A separate bulletin and email will follow with instructions and additional information on how to cast your vote.

If you have not signed up for emails and/or text messages from District 142, please go to and use the buttons at the top of the homepage to “Join Our Email List” and “Sign up for Text Messages.” This is the best way to ensure you receive timely information concerning this upcoming vote and any other news related to your union, workgroup, and contract.

Your Committee UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS A YES VOTE for this Tentative Agreement. Thank you for your patience throughout this process.

Sincerely and fraternally,

John M. Coveny, Jr.
President/Directing General Chair
IAM District 142
Ken Coley
General Chair
IAM District 142
Mark Strength
General Chair
IAM District 142
Ignacio Salim
IAM Chairperson
British Airways
Sharon Estwick
Chief Steward
British Airways
James Romano
Shop Steward
British Airways
Anthony D’Erasmo
Shop Steward
British Airways



Edited June 19, 2024

*** Clarification on the fourth bullet point above: The union had a discussion with the company as to who will receive the $4500.00 additional signing bonus. This bonus is only available to those members whose departments were closed prior to 2009 and have transferred in from Cargo, Sales, Call Centre, etc to CSA positions and were red circled.