Episode 5
Sean Holland
District 142 Legislative Director
District 142 Trustee
District 142 Legislative Director Sean Holland discusses the importance of unions and union members getting involved in legislative issues and what the IAM is doing on Capitol Hill to protect workers.
Episode 4
Mike Mead
District 142 Vice President Alaska Airlines
President Local Lodge 2202
District 142 Vice President Alaska Airlines, Local Lodge 2202 President Mike Mead tells us how Local Lodge 2202 started a videoconference “virtual” option for their monthly union meetings.
Video (21 min)
Episode 3
Paul Shultz
EAP Director
District 142
DL 142 EAP Director Paul Shultz gives the history of the union’s EAP program, what we are looking for in an EAP rep, and updates on CIRT, where EAP is now and where it is headed in the future.
Video (44 min)
Episode 2
Al Melendez
Education Committee Chair
District 142
DL 142 Education Committee Chair Al Melendez talks with Todd about the new Education Committee, training opportunities available to our members and we meet members of the Education Committee.
Video (20 min)
Episode 1
Dee Colbert
Director of Organizing
District 142
Todd talks to DL 142 Director of Organizing Dee Colbert about the importance of organizing for the IAM and how you can get involved with organizing on a local level, district level and in everyday life.
Video (23 min)