Dear Sisters and Brothers:
The IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center now offers Virtual Training Sessions.
These sessions are different from traditional Leadership, Staff, and Departmental programs provided by the Winpisinger Center. Members can register themselves; each session only covers one topic, and sessions typically last 1-2 hours. Virtual Training is open to all members in good standing.
We highly encourage our District 142 members to take advantage of these opportunities and enroll in virtual training sessions that are useful to you. Shop Stewards and Local Lodge officers, in particular, may find many of the topics relevant and helpful in your service to our members.
To see the schedule of classes and enroll yourself in a session, please go to the Virtual Training Sessions page at the Winpisinger Center’s website:
This is another great way to take advantage of the benefits offered to you by the IAM.
Sincerely and fraternally,
John M. Coveny, Jr.
President/Directing General Chair
IAM District 142