Association, American Airlines Negotiations Continue in Dallas

associationMechanic & Related/Stores Committee Update, March 4, 2016:

The Mechanic & Related/Stores Committee met with American Airlines the week of February 29th in Fort Worth, Texas.

Your Committee wants you to understand very clearly, contrary to Doug Parkers video and what other members of management have stated, your committee has NOT received a fnal or comprehensive proposal from the Company.

Your Negotiating Committee, during this session, has worked on the following articles:

• No Strike/No Lockout -Your Committee has reached a tentative agreement on this language.

• System Board of Adjustment – Your Committee has reached a tentative agreement on this language.

• MCT Dress Attire and Field Trip Gear – Your Committee has reached a tentative agreement on this language.

• Absence from Duty – Your Committee has made a counter proposal to the company and we are awaiting their response.

• Meal Period – Your Committee has made a counter proposal to the company and we are awaiting their response.

• Representation – This article was very difficult due to the complexity of language in both agreements, and your Committee is reviewing a counter proposal from the company, that has narrowed the issues considerably.

• Grievance Procedure – Due to the difference in contracts, your Committee has written a new grievance procedure, in order to expedite the grievance process. The company is now reviewing your Committee’s pass to them, after multiple passes between the parties.

Your Committee is committed to bargaining the best contract, as quickly as possible. We will meet in Washington, D.C. next week, to continue negotiations.

In solidarity,

Jason Best              Mike Bush            Ken Coley            John Coveny

Dale Danker       Mark Huffman    Bennie Martino    Gary Peterson

Larry Pike           Sean Ryan           Jay Sleeman           Mark Strength


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