
American Airlines


In 2001, the FAA created the created the prestigious Charles E. Taylor Master Mechanic Award to honor AMTs, who had served at least 50 years in aircraft maintenance.  The following year, California Senator Knight introduced a resolution honoring Aviation Maintenance Technicians annually in honor of Charles Taylor’s birthday.  Charles Taylor was the machinist who built […]

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Association, American to Meet

Brothers and Sisters, American Airlines recently changed course by contacting the TWU-IAM Association leadership seeking dates to discuss minor issues that remain open in our negotiations. The Association views all discussions between us and the company as important to achieving our goal of a tentative agreement. For this reason, the TWU-IAM Association Negotiating Committees have

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American Management Continues Disrespect of 30,000 TWU-IAM Association Members

Since American management walked out of talks in late March, the TWU-IAM Association mechanic and related, stores and fleet service negotiating committees have been fully prepared to resume joint contract bargaining and bring these negotiations to a successful conclusion. Instead of making a good faith effort to to reach a fair agreement with 30,000 American

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The House of Representatives Needs to Vote YES on the 2018 FAA Reauthorization Bill H.R. 4! The House of Representatives will be putting the FAA Reauthorization Bill H.R. 4 to a vote this Thursday, April 26th.  We need every IAM member to contact their House Representative and tell them to vote YES on H.R. 4.

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TWU-IAM Association Aims for Industry Leading Contract

Brother and Sisters, The TWU-IAM Association is committed to achieving on American Airlines an industry-best contract that will benefit all Association members and, consequently, be the benchmark for future airline contract negotiations. The five main issues that remain in our negotiations with American are: scope (protecting our work and jobs), affordable healthcare, meaningful profit sharing,

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American’s Profit HOARDING Plan

Brothers and Sisters, The TWU-IAM Association is fighting for the industry’s best profit sharing plan.  The current American Airlines profit sharing plan is simply inadequate.  Even American’s CEO admitted that other airlines have better profit sharing plans. He recognized that those better plans have created a “compensation differential” for Association members that would be addressed

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